Cusco City Tour | Inka Tour Consulting

Cusco City Tour


Between 1:45 and 2:00 pm the guided tour of the city will begin, where the traveler will have the opportunity to visit 5 places.

The first is the temple of “Koricancha” (golden fence), current Convent of Santo Domingo, a place that houses one of the most important Religious Centers of the Inca period. This archaeological site is located in the heart of the city of Cusco (Cuzco), just 4 blocks from the Plaza de Armas. We will visit the majestic cathedral of Cusco, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful in all of South America.

Then, the tour moves to the outskirts of the city to be able to visit first, the sumptuous Sacsayhuamán (puma head), a majestic place with impressive stone works, the heaviest being 120 tons. These stones were transported by Inca workers from remote places. Here the famous INTI RAYMI or Fiesta al Sol takes place on June 24 of each year.

Just 200 meters from Sacsayhuamán is our next destination: Q’enqo (Labyrinth) religious center dedicated to the cult of the Earth and, according to some theories, to funeral rituals.

Our next visits are about 10 minutes by bus from Q’enqo. The first site is Puca Pucara (Reddish place) that was used as a center for military use and control, as well as a mandatory stop site for all travelers from the Inca period.

Our last destination, located just 100 mts. From Puca Pucara is Tambomachay.

Tambomachay (Temple of Water) was used as a center for worship and worship of water.

Return to the city of Cusco.

It includes:

  • Transport
  • Guide (bilingual whatever the language)

Does not include:

  • The tourist ticket (current price is s /. 130.00 for adults and students is s / .70.00)

Note: the tourist ticket does not include religious circuits, for the visit you pay in the same place the prices of the adult cathedral is s / .25.00 and student is s / .15.00 and for foreign, national and adult Koricancha tourists it is s / .15.00 and student is s / .8.00.

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