Salkantay Trek 5 Days | Inka Tour Consulting

Salkantay Trek 5 Days

Introduction: Salkantay, this route offers wonderful views and experiences in the typical Andean world. Taking this route you will have the opportunity to know the path that is the link of the famous meeting of the Inca Trail that on the fifth day, during the walk you can appreciate a great diversity of flora, fauna, tropical sites, glacial peaks finally reaching the Incas lost from the city “Machupicchu”.

Day 1: Cusco – Mollepata – Soraypampa, MOLLEPATA AND SORAY 

We leave the city of Cusco at 4:30 in the morning and we will pass through the towns of Izcuchaca and Limatambo, Mollepata that approximately 7:00. It makes a stop to have a light breakfast and then start our first walk along the support staff, then continue to Punta Carretera and then walk 45 minutes to the Humantay lagoon and then return to Paro bamba where we will have lunch, and then visit the Choque Churco archaeological complex where we will enjoy the flora and fauna of this beautiful place such as orchids and the spectacled bear and with good luck the Andean PumaWe return to Mollepata where a delicious dinner awaits us and then take a walk inside the town and then rest at the Bellavista hostel

Day 2: Soraypampa – Colpapampa – Challhuay

After a good breakfast in the morning, transfer from Mollepata punta highway, we prepare to continue our walk (considered the strongest of the trip) we will cross to the place called Salkantaypampa, and then turn left of the mountain called Umantayblanco that is nearby from Nevado Salkantay, Reach the highest point at 4650 m Salkantay Umantay From this point we will be able to observe the snow and the glaciers of Salkantay, after an hour it is the stop for lunch in the Huayrac community. After our lunch and then descend and continue our walk towards the jungle called Challhuay, here will be our second lodging.

Day 3: Challhuay – Lucmabamba – Sahuayaco – Llaqtapata 

This day will be unforgettable for the great variety of Flora and Fauna that we will see as the days go by, we will also appreciate the formation of hot springs in a small valley in Sahuayacocha, we will have lunch and then we will continue walking to Llaqta Pata where it will be our third night of lodging. or lodge where we will enjoy the best of the Andean jungle and our exquisite dinner and then rest in the comfort that they offer us.

Day 4: Santa Teresa – Hydroelectric – Aguas Calientes

After breakfast, this will be a quiet day, since the road is smoother, thus arriving at the hydroelectric plant for lunch, a place to produce electricity for consumption in the city of Cusco, where we say goodbye to the support staff, here you can decide If we continue the trip to Aguas Calientes, which would logically be more ideal, or take a train that transports Hydroelectric Aguas Calientes, we will have dinner and a hotel for the night.

Day 5: Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu – Cusco 

After breakfast we walk to the archaeological site of Machu Picchu and see the sunrise in Machu Picchu, we will have a two-hour guided tour by the same professional guide who accompanied us during the trip, and then have free time where you can take photos, upload the Huayna Picchu, among others, the same day as taking the train from Aguas Calientes to Cusco.


Huayna Picchu is behind the mountain, from Machu Picchu where you climb in order to take an aerial view of the Inca citadel. There is a checkpoint in Machu Picchu to climb Huayna Picchu. You must enter with a ticket already purchased to climb Huayna Picchu. It is necessary to get the ticket, for these months of high season it is and pay in addition to the cost of entry to Machupicchu. Only 400 people can visit a day divided into two shifts. Machu Picchu receives more than 1000 visitors per day. To get the ticket and get up early and watch the sunrise.

What includes

  • Transfer of arrival or departure in Cusco
  • Transportation from Cusco to Mollepata, soray
  • The entrance to Machu Picchu
  • 4 breakfasts / 4 lunches / 4 dinners
  • Snacks during the trip
  • Professional Guide (English – Spanish)
  • 03 night of hostel on the way and hotel in Aguas Calientes
  • Horses (bring camping equipment)
  • First aid kit
  • Train ticket back to Cusco
  • Oxygen bottle

It’s not included

  • Breakfast on the first day / lunch and the last dinner
  • Bus ticket Machu Picchu – Aguas Calientes (CONCETUR)
  • Tips for porters, cooks and guides.
  • Entrance ticket to the mountain of Huayna Picchu (you must reserve months in advance).
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