Tour Uros Amantani Taquile 2Days | Inka Tour Consulting

Tour Uros Amantani Taquile 2Days

The 3,600 inhabitants of Amantaní also have a Quechua origin and are mainly small farmers. The most important crops in Amantani are Andean potatoes, Bailey and green beans. The “Amantaneños” have not been as successful in their tourism business initiatives as their neighbors in Taquile. However, they are able to welcome you with great appreciation and sincerity. A visit to Amantaní necessarily implies spending a night on the island. The houses are very simple and the services are basic. There is no running water, no electricity, and of course there are no toilets or showers. For many people this experience at home-stay and the meeting with the host family is a revelation of the reality of the people of the Andes at an altitude for example.Amantani Island is located 26 miles (38 km) away from the city of Puno (3 ½ hours of navigation in the normal boat). Due to a more distant place, tourism on the island of Amantani, has not developed as much as in Taquile.Description of the Tour.

Day 1 

07:30 am Pick up from the hotel in the center of Puno

08:00 am Departure to the floating islands and Taquile

08:30 am Visit to the floating islands of the Uros on the way to Amantani.

13:30 pm Arrival to the island of AmantaniLunch at

2:00 p.m. at the local house

15:00 pm Walk in Amantani

18:00 pm Dinner and accommodation at a local house

Day 2 

08:00 am Departure from Amantani to Taquile.

09:00 am Arrival in Taquile on the north pier and walk to the main village

10:30 am Arrival to the main town of Taquile

12:00 pm lunch time.

13:00 pm Return to Puno from the main pier (538 steps)

16:00 pm Arrival in Puno

The tour includes: 

Pick-up from the hotel, English-Spanish speaking guide for 2 days, entrance fees, normal boat transportation (3 and a half hours of navigation), overnight at home-stay, lunch, dinner and breakfast in Amantani (houses are very spartan and bathrooms are basic). The local family will also provide you with three or more clean blankets. However, it is advised to use your sleeping bag if you have one with you.

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