Southern Circuit – Cusco Andahuaylillas – Tipon – Pikillacta Duration: half day | Inka Tour Consulting

Southern Circuit – Cusco Andahuaylillas – Tipon – Pikillacta Duration: half day


Pick up from the hotel, guided visit to three important places, we will start with the so-called “Sistine Chapel of America”, (due to the quality of the works of art found inside) the Church of Andahuaylillas, located in the town of the same name, located approximately 40 km (25 miles) east of the City of Cusco at an altitude of 3100 meters. (10170 feet).A walk through its Main Plaza that is adorned with “pisonay” (coral trees) and palm trees. We continue our journey towards Tipón National Archaeological Complex located to the east of the City of Cusco; covering a territory of approximately 2200 hectares. The original Quechua name of the place is unknown. Diverse groups of royal rooms can be seen that were built by the Inca Wiraqocha as a dwelling place and refuge for his father YawarWakaq. This group of villages are located at an altitude of 3500 meters. (11480 feet). In addition, there is a large impressive growing space that contains 12 very fertile terraces that are currently cultivated, whose walls were built with well-carved stones. Even more impressive is the irrigation system that is still serving agriculture and the advantage is the water intake in the spring season. The stones that channel the river have been worked, finely calculated and sometimes with almost vertical falls that all together constitute a work of hydraulic engineering. Some sources must have had ceremonial functions. Due to its location and the presence of a surrounding wall, Tipón must have been a very exclusive site. Towards the southwest of this group, on the almost vertical mountain surface is the cemetery named “Pitopuqyo” that today has looted graves. In this place there were large amounts of cultural remains, today you can find many pieces of broken ceramics.To end the tour, a guided visit to the Archaeological Complex of Pikillacta that covers an area of ​​3421 hectares (8453 acres), and is located in the province of Quispicanchis, to the east of the city of Cusco approximately 32 km (20 Thousands). On the way you will be able to see a wonderful view of the Wakarpay lagoon that is located at an altitude of approximately 3,200 meters. (10500 feet). “Pikillaqta” is a compound Quechua word that means “lousy people” (piki = louse; llaqta = people); However, that is not the original name of the main site or zone, its previous name is unknown; although, many chroniclers refer to this area with the name of “Muyuna”, “Muyna” or “Mohina”. It seems that the site began by calling itself “Pikillaqta” from the last years of the colonial era or at the beginning of the republic; its reason is unknown. The pre-Hispanic site of Pikillaqta is located at 3350 mts. (11000 feet) and it belonged to a city of the Wari Culture developed in present-day Ayacucho.Return to the City of Cusco.

It includes:

  • Transport
  • Guide (bilingual whatever the language)

Does not include:

  • Tourist ticket
  • At the Andahuaylillas Temple, the cost is paid directly s / .10.00
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