Sacred Valley Tour | Inka Tour Consulting

Sacred Valley Tour


Breakfast at the hotel, between 8:45 and 9:00 AM.
Pick up passengers from their hotel to start our trip to the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
In the first instance we will visit the archaeological site of Pisaq, which in Inca times was a strategic military point due to its location. Then we will go down to visit the colorful artisan market in the town of Pisaq.

Then we will continue our journey to the city of Urubamaba where we will stop for lunch.
After lunch, we will go to the fortress of Ollantaytambo, an Inca city that had a religious, political and agricultural function.
In Ollantaytambo we can find the only original Inca city in its design that is still intact.
Then we will return to the City of Cusco through Chinchero, a town dedicated to the cultivation of potatoes and the production of magnificent textiles.
During this return, we will stop at the Apu Pitusiray fabric production center with ancestral techniques, where we will be able to support weaving communities with the purchase of their work.
Return to the hotel in Cusco.

It includes:

  • Transport
  • Guide (bilingual whatever the language)
  • Buffet lunch in the town of Urubamba.

Does not include:

  • The tourist ticket (current price is s /. 130.00 for adults and students is s / .70.00, hoping that the same price will be maintained for next year, if there is any variation in the price, it will be communicated with due anticipation.
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